I’ve been to Pick-a-Part, to scavenge some replacement wing mirrors for my Subaru Legacy. 100% success on that front. Also grabbed some more VW seat belts to add 3 more buckles to our key holder.

Drilling the holes on the first four clasps caused me no end of problems. They are some sort of stainless steel and are magnetic so a ferritic alloy. I was using a cobalt bit but as pretty much as soon as I started progress would stop since the stainless steel work hardens and becomes impenetrable. I eventually ‘won’ by punching out the holes: I hit it with a hammer.
I came across this article from sail magazine some time ago and decided to give it go on the 3 new clasps.
The advice in the article worked.
In summary. If you are drilling stainless steel:
- Nice sharp bit (apparently can be HSS, but I used cobalt)
- Slow, (and patient)! Slow as in 3-5 revs/sec. I used a hand drill as my drill press does not do S-L-O-W. There seems to be a sweet spot where you can feel the bit cutting.
- Pressure. As much as you can muster and your bit can take. I had my whole weight on the drill. A press would a better option.